Thursday, May 2, 2013

Home Sweet Home

It's been almost a week since I arrived back in my good ol' Mountain Home, after a crazy semester at BYU! Already, I've gotten so much done concerning my mission. I am positive that nothing could have been better than having this month in between school and my MTC report date, dedicated to preparing.

Also while I'm here, I am back working at the Base Pool, which keeps me on a schedule and gets me a little extra money (any is a blessing!). I love teaching kids how to swim! It makes my day to see how excited they are to be in the water. :) And it also doesn't hurt that I get to be in the water myself! I've missed swimming so badly, and am pretty surprised at how smooth my strokes feel even after five months with no swimming. But how am I going to survive a whole year and a half?? I'll be jumping in the first pool I find once I'm back haha

Today I got to see my awesome little nephew Kru, and I felt like a million bucks with how excited he was to see me. My favorite thing would have to be him yelling "I love you" over and over as I'm leaving for work, and then later as he was heading out the door, he comes running back to me asking for a hug. I give him a big bear hug and let go, but he hangs on :) I love him!

Weirdest thing that happened this past week:
My friend Nora and I are checking all the fluids in my car, and as we are in the garage getting some coolant, we hear the sound of glass falling/crunching. I look over at the window, and stare at it with shock written all over my face. The window was broken! How did that happen? We never even heard a crash!

I walk around to the outside just to see what could have broken it when I see Nora, who had gone to investigate on the inside, staring at the ground. She slowly said, "Christina? You might want to come see this..."

In my mind I'm freaking out about how maybe the car was damaged or something, but as I come around the corner, I end up in the same bewildered position that Nora had been.

There, lying on the ground in the midst of broken glass, was a headless squirrel. No blood, no gore. Just a squirrel without a head.

And that's the end of the story. Or at least it leaves you in the same predicament we were. How in the world did that squirrel come flying through the window, when did it, and why did it have no head??!

Sadly, our detective skills were inadequate, and we never were able to figure it out. The good news to the story was that the missionaries were able to come over and board up our window, and we happened to have a board EXACTly the right size.

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