Watched Pitch Perfect directly afterward... Still trying to figure that one out... But it's leaning toward the not so much.
Back to the ever-magnificent Hobbit, I am so pleased! I am a complete Lord of the Rings fan, and love it more than anything else in the world! If you aren't completely sold on it, don't let me know. It may ruin my opinion of you (I'll still love you of course).
I went to see The Hobbit for the midnight showing on the 14th, but sadly was not able to enjoy it because I got seats in the first row very close to a huge screen. Let me tell you, craning your neck for three hours is a painful ordeal. My poor cousin went as well, and she had front row seats in the 3-D one. Yikes!
One thing that was pretty crazy about it was how HUGE the feet were. Already, hobbits and dwarves have larger feet, and from the low angle it certainly didn't shrink them any.
Because of this not-so-pleasant first experience, I had been refusing to give any critical comments about the movie before I saw it again. But now that I have, I can officially say that it is still just as fantastic as the first three by Peter Jackson. Granted The Hobbit is a very different kind of movie than Lord of the Rings, because it is a very different kind of story. Lord of the Rings was all about the action, but I believe that the Hobbit is more of a relaxed story, and the action throughout was often added in by back-stories and such.
I hold my cup up to Peter Jackson! May he continue in his genius, and bring us more great adventures on screen!
P.S. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE DRAGON!! Dragons are my all time favorite mythical creature. :D
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